Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A flock of White-Backed Vultures

It was a great day, 1st August 2010, I was about to meet some farmers at Dumuriya, Khulna. Dumuriya sub-district is around 25 kilometers away from Khulna city center. On my way to field site I had to stop the car because of a large group of Vultures whom I noticed from the car window. Gutudiya village, located in Dumuriya sub-district, where a large crowd of white-backed vultures were sitting around their prey. It was dumped dead body of a cow left by unknown person. When I reached there vultures were almost done and passing some leisure moment around. A flock of almost 50 white-backed vultures is a rare sighting in recent time. Last I saw vultures in Khulna eight years back. There is a maxim that sighting of vultures is a good sign. Hope there would be something good for this underprivileged area.

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